Section Leadership
Section Chief

John Ross Peedin
Vigil Honor
Meet your Section Chief, John Ross Peedin! John Ross is an Eagle Scout of Clayton, NC. He did his ordeal in 2017 with Nayawin Rar Lodge #296, and since then, he has served as the Vice Chief of Membership, Lodge Chief, and is now serving as the Vigil Chief. This past summer, he served as a ranger at the Philmont Scout Ranch, and he has worked at Camp Tuscarora for 6 years. Additionally, he is a sophomore at NC State/Johnston Community College, where he studies Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology. He is super excited to meet the Arrowmen of Section E8 and for is looking forward to a great Section year!
Section Vice Chief of Training

Austin Mirando
Meet your Vice Chief of Training, Austin Mirando! Austin is an Eagle Scout and Brotherhood member from Clayton, NC. He was inducted in 2022 in Nayawin Rar Lodge and has since served passionately in various leadership positions. These include Chapter Chief, OA National Communications Committee, NOAC Communications Committee, and the National Venturing Committee. He also served on the Camp Tuscarora staff this past summer and as his Lodges NOAC Contingent Co-Chair. Beyond the order, he enjoys scuba diving, hunting, and shooting. Austin is excited to meet Arrowmen from across the Section at Conclave!
Section Vice Chief of Program
Abbey Holloman
Vigil Honor
Meet your Section Vice Chief of Program, Abbey Holloman! Abbey is an Eagle Scout, Venture, and Sea Scout from Wilmington, NC. She is a Vigil Honor member of Klahican Lodge #331, where she is very active with the Order of the Arrow and national activities. She has served as Boatswain’s Mate of Eastern Support on the National Quarterdeck and Boatswain Mate of Program within the Sea Scouts, where she has helped develop programs for Winterfest, contributed to the Council Boastwain Handbook, and more. A fun fact about Abbey is that she was selected as one of the six Sea Scouts in the country to sail the USCGE Eagle. She cannot wait to see what Conclave brings and for the Cardnival following the Saturday night show!
Section Secretary

Lynn Feuerberg
Meet your Section Secretary, Lynn Feuerberg! Lynn is an Eagle Scout from Pinnacle, North Carolina. She completed her ordeal in the fall of 2021 with Wahissa Lodge #118, and, since then, has served as the Eke Otkia Vice Chief of Inductions and as the Registration Chair. Her favorite scouting memories include working on the Camp Raven Knob staff for 2 summers and NOAC 2024. Outside of the OA, she is a junior in high school, where she is also working on her Associate of Arts through Forsyth Technical Community College. She is most hyped to meet Arrowmen across the section and watch the shows at Conclave!